Thursday, September 20, 2012

Too Long

It has been so long since I updated this thing!  Sorry people!!  Life has been a little more than busy I guess.  So many things have changed.  Were do I start?

First I guess I will say that I love the new area we moved to last December.  The ward is wonderful and full of amazing people.  I think the best part is that for the most part they are all young with kids like us!  It has been so long since we have been in a ward that is full of kids and younger parents.

Next is Brock finally GRADUATED!!!!  Yay!  He has set up his own practice... in a friends office.  They share staff and eventually overhead and everything so its a great deal.  Dr. Hopkins (the friend)  has been in practice for 10 years, so the office is well established, and runs great.  It is also beautiful.  Visit his website to see pics and get a better idea of what it is he does!
Because of what he does in his practice and how they have it set up he can help anyone around the world so that is wonderful.  Dr. Hopkins even has patients in Dubai.  Can't wait till  Dr. Brock can say fun things like that.  Right now it is Utah, Arizona, and Texas.  Which is great for a start ;)

More good news!  Rian has started kindergarten.  I know I cannot believe it either!!!  I have a child in elementary school... when did she get so old.  She will be turning 6 in just a few months.  AHHH!  She is so funny and full of attitude.  She says she loves school but refuses to tell me anything that goes on while she is there.  If I bug her about it she makes up stories about what she did.  last week she told me she went on a purple school bus to a park by the zoo and ate lunch with another class.  I of course at first was a bit concerned that she left campus without anyone telling me.  Then when she said it was a purple bus she smirked and I realized that she was just being a stinker!    Silly girl.  Oh she also has a diet in church this week.  She is very excited for that as well.  She gets to sing the second verse in "Jesus Once Was a Little Child".

Maddox is growing up so fast as well.  Being the oldest at home every day he is learning just what it means to be a big brother.  Some days he is helpful... Some days not so much ha ha.  I know he is a little jealous about Rian getting to go to school.  He wants to go so bad.  So I am trying to see if I can't figure out a way to afford to put him in karate lessons.  He loves karate and some friend have said that getting their sons in karate it helped with learning discipline and respect.  I hope so! ha ha ha Now only if I can afford it!  but he does love helping with chores if you ask a few times.  He is really good at playing with Pax.

Paxton is finally in nursery!  Hallelujah!  The kid is a handful.  Adorable but crazy LOL.  He is so full of energy its nuts.  He is also hilarious.  He says NO to everything!  Unless you ask him if he wants food, then it's Ya, in a deep voice.  Pax is obsessed with cars.  If he sees one he goes nuts.  When I leave the house I cannot leave unless I have toy cars and food or there will be a screaming Paxton.  He is starting to like to cuddle which I soak up like crazy.  Gosh I love that kid!

Now for me.  I am still in school :(  Never getting out ha ha!  I also work full time  40 hours a week, for one of my parents weight loss companies.   I get to work from home so that is wonderful.  I am still doing hair as well.  I was also diagnosed with Hatimotos this year.  This is when your immune system attacks your thyroid and it stops to function.  This really sucks.  Many symptoms come from this.  Mine included extreme fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, and fibromyalsia.  Luckily we finally got my diagnosis and brock has been helping be get better.  I am feeling loads better and have lost 12 lbs.  I have been working on that 12 lbs for almost 2 years!  So glad its gone... just in time for baby number 4!  Yes we are trying for number four!!!!! FINALLY ha ha.  I will let ya'll know when that happens.

I think that is all the updates for now ha ha!

These are from Brock's Graduation...

 Pax was at a sitters so that way we could actually watch the ceremony.
 Her sign says "First day of school...Wants to be an artist"
 This is a pic that my sister Brittany took about 
a year ago but I love it!  Maddox is just so beautiful!!
Ha ha this is the most recent pic I have of Paxton.  Sad I know!  
This was part of a gift for Brock for fathers day.  
He was being such a turd this was the only way I could get him to hold kinda still.