Sunday, March 27, 2011


So I think I might Be officially going crazy :p !!! oh by the way if you do not want to listen to me vent and whine then I suggest you stop reading now. I have waaaay to much "on my plate"! Paxton ( love him to peices!) is driving me batty. The kid won't sleep. I keep trying to get him on a schedule but his constant gassy-ness and spitting up everything he eats is kinda hindering that. plus turning me into one of the living dead :( My brain literally feels like its on stupid pills. I am forgeting EVERYTHING. no sleep + post prego hormones + two insane toddlers = crazy megan! which brings me to my next dilemma... Rian and Maddox have lost it. In the past two month since we brought pax home they have done the following:

Colored on every wall in the newly painted living room 2 times
colored all over every wall in their bedroom 4 times ( they hide markers in their hidey places I cant find)
colored all over, and I mean aaall over each other at least 5 times
dug up flowers in the newly planted garden
pulled the leaves off of my tomato plant
poured dirt on top of each others heads twice in one day on several occasions, after I told them to say out of it. and after baths.
colored on their bed sheets
broke a window
Peed in the corner of their room purposefully 1000x
Peed in the middle of their room purposefully10000x
Peed in the middle of the living room purposefully1000x
peed on the dog
piled up toys just to pee on them

there is more but I think you get the point...

I have no idea what to do with them! I do time outs, spankings, "serious" talks, and diapers. I have also made sure that I take them out on 1 on 1 dates, play with them during the day, listen to their many stories and questions, and explain calmly why I have to hold paxton and feed him instead of just jumping up every time they want me to... Am I missing something? what else is there to do? I have no Idea.

Next is the primary president stuff! AAAHHH! Not enough teachers, Not very many kids then a random jump in numbers every few Sundays from 5 kids to 30 or so. visits with the stake, visits with the presidency, activities to plan, making sure each child reads their scriptures for the week, sharing times, ward council, budgeting, blah blah blah blah :p

And last, school... My poor education! I am too forgetful now to be in school. SOOOO much homework this semester. taking online Spanish, all I have to say so far is... what? I don't understand! No entiendo! then there is online English. studying Hamlet, have you ever read Shakespeare??? Way to confusing! Dude just say what you mean! don't use five extremely flowery sentences to say "she's hot"! or " I love you" just come out and say it geesh! Then History online ugh. I thought I already learned about U.S history in high school... apparently not! cause I am hearing all sorts of stuff I never heard before. The easiest part is my at campus math class! I know right how is math easy? its easy when its math you took in jr high and high school and you now have to re take it. ha ha ha. Luckily its a work at your own pace. And I am eons ahead of my class mates. I finished the pre algebra class that I signed up for in 4 weeks and got a 100% on the final. So they are letting me take the next class for free during this semester! so far I have Completed 4 weeks worth of material in 1 week. I also have an A so far ...whew. I so cannot wait till this is over.

So moral of the story is... I have no Idea! Because I lost my mind ;)



Hey Meg this is Miranda
First if the baby has gas and stuff if you are nursing maybe cut out dairy and if that does not work cut out other foods like bread or certain fruits or veggies. You can ask you doc more and they would have a better idea of what to do. They also have these gas drops I think you can buy at Walmart.

Now for the other kids. Oh man this is a hard one. Get them on a schedule and make them a chart with stickers. Give them a sticker when they do something good and take one away when they are bad. have them earn them buy doing chores or helping with the baby stuff like that. have them be working towards a prize. like a toy or trip to somewhere just with mom. when they do bad things like that say how it makes Jesus sad, I have heard that works alot. Do the naughy chair and dont give into them.

Now for you. this one is most important. Either get a baby sitter or ask your husband to watch the kids for a few hours. get out and do something. get your toes done or just go sleep in the car at a nearby park. Ask your bishop for help and your counslers. say you are too overwhelmed and you cant do this alone. as far as school i would say put it on hold for right now because you need to focus on you and getting to a good place. call me if you need anything else. Miranda
480 430 0299