Tuesday, October 26, 2010

5 months

5 Months... now I realize that 1, this is an awful picture due to me being in my p.j's and not having done my hair or makeup, and 2 having been taken with my phone. But I just realized that I never posted a 5 month pic and I am officially 6 months today so... this is as good as it gets cant take a new good 5 month at 6 months ha ha. everything is going as expected with the pregnancy, lots of aches and pains and contractions. gotta love it! Plus this little boy is already and acrobat! He never stops moving. he will even kick to the beat of the music if any is playing kinda fun... not! ha ha makes sleep hard to get but at least I know he is healthy and has rhythm ha!


-The Bergen Family- said...

omg, I love your hair that color Meg!

Brittany said...

I feel like you look... 9 months pregnant. I say that in the nicest way possible ;) don't worry! I love you and really miss yoU!