So our friends Rachel and Josh Ellis and their little girl Maddison came down for the week and we had so much fun! so here are the pics that josh took with his new spiffy camera! We went to San Antonio and saw the Alamo and went to the river walk then the next day we went to Kemah boardwalk and then out to dinner for Brock's b day and then to the aquarium in downtown! It was so fun!
The carousel at the Aquarium in downtown Houston. who says you have to be little to ride!!
The Ferris wheel was so fun it wen t faster than normal ones kinda scary!
Up in the bubble in the sting ray exhibit the girls loved it!
Rian could not get enough she pet a sting ray, a shark, a star fish and a crab! Maddox on the other hand wanted nothing to do with those slimy critters!
And of course we had to take our friends to visit Kemah boardwalk! Here they are playing at the splash pad!
The girls walked around like this all day every day it was so stinkin cute~ oh and kept referring to each other as friend like " friend, wanna play friend?"
Rian is very very dramatic and this is her pretending to be scared of the train even though she has ridden it hundreds of times!
And this is Rian kissing "friend" she is a very passionate two yr old! lol
Gotta love random photos!
The cutest Kids!
Kemah from above !
Us in the observation tower ride
Maddox loving his sea horse!
Passed out cold at the Alamo
The River walk the girls took the double bumping Maddox into maddie's pink stroller... we only got a few funny stares...
Maddox having had about enough of the fun boat ride on the river walk!
Weird hospital on the river walk looks like one wall
Statue on top of a theater on the river walk
gargoyle heads kinda creepy
Trying to see the fishy's
Her devilish grin
And her mischievous look finally caught on camera!
more randoms, i look annoyed! and i was the boat guy was... well you get the picture!
I'm On a boat!
In front of the Alamo
Playing in a fountain at The Alamo
Maddox throwing a a fit at McDonnalds because sea world was closed! the whole reason we drove to San Antonio in the first place!