Friday, July 3, 2009

Down at the boardwalk we'll be havin' some fun!

A few weeks ago we went to Kemah boardwalk with our friends The Hayden's ( also mentioned in the last post). Their son Khalil is about Rian's age and they have a blast together! Their daughter Kambria is about Maddox's age and while they don't really get the whole playing with a friend thing yet I am sure they will be great friends as they grow up. While we were in Kemah we went to this little place on the boardwalk so the kids could play in the water. At first they were a bit apprehensive but soon they were soaked! ,

Even the hubby's got a bit wet... not that they wanted too but they were good sports!
I think it is safe to say that Ry has found a great best friend! They love playing together by the way none of the following pivtures were staged they posed all on thier own! How cute are they!

While Khalil was constantly trying new ways of not getting his face wet Rian was trying to find the way to get her face as wet as possible!

Here he is trying to block the water with his shirt ( wich is not working to well) and there is Ry in the back wondering why in the world he would bother! Getting wet is the point silly Khalil!