Monday, March 30, 2009

lovely tag

I thought this would be fun. Anyone is welcome to take the tag.

How long have you been together?
A little over just a month and three years

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
2 days

Who asked who out?
I asked him to come over for a home cooked meal

How old are each of you?
i am 23 he is 25

Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
both the same we all lived in az

Do you have any children together?
2 wonderful kids

What about pets?
not yet but we are looking!

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
living away from our families and friends!

Did you go to the same school?
different i went to mountain view and brock went to gilbert high\

Are you from the same home town?
close mesa and gilbert

Who is the smartest?
brock, no doubt.

Who is the most sensitive?
me definitely.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
uh anywhere really but not often.

Who does the cooking?
me every meal i cook including breakfast and almost every day i pack his lunch!

Who is more social?

Who is the neat-freak?
I try but fail to often, but neither of us really.

Who hogs the bed?
He likes to sleep in the middle of our full size mattress! i take to the edge with at least one of his body parts on top of me. he also sleep talks!

Who wakes up earlier?
He does. I'm definitely not a morning person!

Where was your first date?
dinner at my apartment.

Who has the bigger family?
pretty even i am the oldest of seven and he is the second youngest of seven.

Do you get flowers often?
Nope, but he tries hard to remember sometimes ( and he is getting better at stuff like that lol)

How do you spend the holidays?
well in madness with quick appearances at everyone's house we start at my dads then move to his moms then its off to my grandpa and then next and last my moms. then back to my dad's for dinner. then if we are lucky we get to bad on time ( rarely happens though)

How long did it take to get serious?
a week

Who eats more?

Who does/did the laundry?
Me most of the time but he pitches in some time

Who’s better with the computer?

Who drives when you are together?
he does and i love it

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Potty training!

old picture like 5 months old but you get the idea!

Well I started to really potty train Rian this week! She is doing awesome. That first days was very anti-climatic she had a few accidents but then at the end of the day she finally went potty in the toilet! I was so excited and she seemed to finally realize what I was wanting her to do. But then it was time for bed and I was worried that she would forget again by the time she woke up in the morning. Then the next morning she woke up and we went straight to the bathroom and she went potty again! We were so happy. And as the day progressed, she was telling me when she had to go potty, and she would really go! If I asked her to sit on the toilet she would gladly go. (Although I am sure most of the time she did it just to get her potty treats.) Then right as soon as we sat down at the dinner table to eat she said she had to go potty! Brock and I were sure it was because she wanted the treat cause she had just gone. But once again we were wrong! She went poo poo for the first time! she was so proud of her self and we were so excited! So we took her to the store and bought her a big pink ball. (She picked out the toy and color.) We are so proud of her and she is doing so great it has been two days and so far no accidents! She is just so smart.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Maddox 1st b day breakfast & party!

licking the beaters clean while mom made the cupcakes!

Happy birthday to maddox!

He was such a mess!

Having fun with party favors!
Our little cousin parker! he is so cute! and just older than maddox! they will be great friends!
he is such a stud!
Great grandma humoring the kids by putting on the funny glasses!
he got his very own cake !

And he loved it!
we had so much fun! thanks to every one who came out in the yucky traffic and weather to celebrate with us! we had a blast!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Meg's Birthday Beach Fun!

So for my birthday we decided to go to galveston and eat at a restaurant on the beach and then play in the sand. It just happened to be a very very windy cold evening!
Maddox did not quite now what to do with all this sand!
While rian was having a blast her first time at the beach she really wanted to swim!
Daddy helped rian figure out how to pick up sea shells...
she ended up putting every one she touched in her pocket and brought home alot of sand too!
But kicking the sand was her favorite thing to do.
The restaurant was fun and cool looking inside and out but the food was gross! we endede up with food poisoning that night! so for future we will visit maybe ride the ride they have but definelty not eat the food.

There was an aligater that roared and moved and sprayed water rian liked it but it scared maddox.
inside the resturant...

The kids could not keep thier eyes off the fish!
Thanks to every one who helped make my birthday special and thanks for all the cards and phone calls and gifts! love you all!